“I learned about the different forms of abuse in relationships. I also learned about how to see the signs of an unhealthy and abusive relationship and what to do if you are in one and how to help a friend in one.”
“I learned that there are lots of stereotypes in the world and that you need to get past these stereotypes to become a good leader.”
“I have learned a lot of really important information that I can use in my life. I can also to help my friends, classmates, and peers.”
“I learned a lot more about sexual education and mental health. It made me feel more aware that teenagers aren’t alone, and we can get the help we need.”
“I learned that if you ever need help you should always reach out to someone you trust.”
“That you never know what someone is going through and the best thing to do is be there for them and show them you care. A person can look well on the outside but can still be in pain on the inside.”
“To be empathetic, to be aware and to be educated on teen important issues.”
“I learned how important it is to be educated in all aspects of health. I should always keep learning and help others to learn too.”
“I learned it was very important to not stereotype people from their looks or background.”
“The most valuable thing I’ve learned from today’s program is that there are many things you can do to help people in many situations. You can protect yourself as well as the lives of your peers.”
“I feel changed because I am much more educated and realize that the people you surround yourself with and the decisions you make affect what person you will become.”